Destruction Democracy Through Determinants of Vote Buying in General Elections in Indonesia

In analyzing the destruction of democracy, political culture, morals and political ethics through the determinants of Vote Buying in general elections in Indonesia, this article uses the literature study method. The method used is through data collection by finding sources and constructing from various sources such as books, journals, and existing research. The determinant of Vote Buying which destroys democracy, political culture, morals and political ethics. The intended determinants such as poverty, education, politico-business, patron-client relations should be sought for the root of the problem and its solution. Through analysis, Rational Choice Theory will dissect and examine the destruction of democracy, political culture, morals and political ethics through the determinants of Vote Buying in general elections in Indonesia. In conclusion, this article contains: (1). Nominal rules have not had a deterrent effect. (2). Low political awareness of people who are exposed to vote buying. (3). Educationally and economically marginalized people are politically neglected. (4). There is no anti-bribery formulation in the pilot scheme and sustainable maintenance practices (5). The bias of political party sovereignty as the main instrument in preventing politico-business intervention. (6). Unequal distribution of poverty and education. (7). There is a predatory network that is interrelated in maintaining the high political costs in Indonesia.
Democracy, Political Culture, Political Moral and Ethics, Vote Buying
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