Bestuurskunde: Journal of Governmental Studies <p><strong>Bestuurskunde</strong> is a journal published by the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. The articles published by <strong>Bestuurskunde</strong> will be available online after going through a peer-review process.</p> en-US (Moh Ilham A Hamudy) (Elpino Windy) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Political Bondage (Ijon) and Democracy: How do Natural Resources Build High Electoral Political Financing Orders? <p>The practice of political bondage (ijon) in electoral political events is a threat to democracy, which to this day is still relatively limitedly studied. This creates minimal gaps in how to view the phenomenon of high electoral political financing from the perspective of natural resource politics. So far, natural resources have always been viewed as inanimate objects. However, in the study of natural resource politics, this object is not neutral. The presence of the political bondage system which is a small part of the form of transactional politics in the informal democratic space has actually become the identity and characteristic of electoral politics in Indonesia. In the context of political bondage, the exchange of roles between patron becoming client and, vice versa, client becoming patron will continue to recur. This research uses a qualitative approach with library research methodology. Researchers collect data through secondary data, namely various relevant literature, starting from media, books, journals, news reports, formal institutional data, and other data which is sorted according to research needs. The results show that the practice of political bondage still fulfils and always colors electoral politics in Indonesia. This informal democratic practice leads to high levels of financing of electoral politics. Interestingly, the involvement of corporations in funding general elections outside of political party funds also has an impact on reciprocation for the management of natural resources. The development of transactional political practices in informal spaces will create challenges for the quality of democracy: the birth of corrupt behavior, the weakening of the government structure, dynastic-oligarchic politics, and the increase in electoral political financing. The conclusion is that the practice of political bondage will always grow in the space of informal democracy. The relationship between the public sector, elites and the private sector will always exchange roles as patron and client according to the conditions and electoral political map in the field.</p> Hendy Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Destruction Democracy Through Determinants of Vote Buying in General Elections in Indonesia <p>In analyzing the destruction of democracy, political culture, morals and political ethics through the determinants of Vote Buying in general elections in Indonesia, this article uses the literature study method. The method used is through data collection by finding sources and constructing from various sources such as books, journals, and existing research. The determinant of Vote Buying which destroys democracy, political culture, morals and political ethics. The intended determinants such as poverty, education, politico-business, patron-client relations should be sought for the root of the problem and its solution. Through analysis, Rational Choice Theory will dissect and examine the destruction of democracy, political culture, morals and political ethics through the determinants of Vote Buying in general elections in Indonesia. In conclusion, this article contains: (1). Nominal rules have not had a deterrent effect. (2). Low political awareness of people who are exposed to vote buying. (3). Educationally and economically marginalized people are politically neglected. (4). There is no anti-bribery formulation in the pilot scheme and sustainable maintenance practices (5). The bias of political party sovereignty as the main instrument in preventing politico-business intervention. (6). Unequal distribution of poverty and education. (7). There is a predatory network that is interrelated in maintaining the high political costs in Indonesia.</p> Surya Regif, Muhammad Akbar Pribadi Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0100 High Political Costs: Private Political Donations in the 2018 East Kalimantan Regional Election <p>This study examines the misuse of private political donations in the 2018 regional head elections in East Kalimantan. The high political cost of patron-client relationships, where entrepreneurs act as patrons and candidates act as clients, motivates this study. The study aims to investigate political influence in the 2018 regional head elections in East Kalimantan. It employes a literature review, utilizing secondary data from journals, national survey results, and government publications relevant to the research problem. The findings indicate that concerning the issuance of mining business permits (IUP), there is political influence in the regional head elections in East Kalimantan. In 2017, the number of IUP were 1,194. This number increased to 1,404 from 2018 to 2020. Out of these, 428 IUPs have not yet been certified as Clean and Clear (C n C), and 160 are classified as illegal mining.</p> Yunita Ratna Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Crisis of Mega-Corruption on the Eve of Indonesian General Elections: Its Implications for The Quality of Elected Governance <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Corruption cases in Indonesia typically peak in the year leading up to general elections, often accompanied by the emergence of the National Mega Corruption phenomenon. The high logistics costs of general elections have historically fueled corruption. This study analyzes corruption, including mega corruption, following Indonesia's adoption of an open election system and assesses the impact of corruption on government service quality and regulations. Research methods include Exploratory Data Analysis, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), and Comparative Ordinary Least Square. Findings show that (1) Democracy in Indonesia is closely linked to corruption and mega corruption at both central (executive and legislative) and regional (regional head election) levels; (2) Corruption and mega corruption trends preceding general elections are expected to persist in the 2024 and 2029 elections; (3) Political corruption leads to poor government service quality and regulation; (4) The shock of pre-election corruption will affect government quality for over two decades. This research emphasizes the need for electoral process and corruption enforcement reforms in Indonesia. Unmitigated, pre-election corruption can lead to poor governance and reduced public welfare.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mohammad Ali Nur Sidiq, Mutia Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Democracy Disrupted: High Political Costs, Transactional Politic, and Corruption <p style="font-weight: 400;">High political costs have had implications for the degradation of democratic values ??which has caused democratic disruption to occur. This research aims to see the disruption of democracy in Indonesia that occurs in the phenomenon of high political costs, and how possible solutions can be offered. This research used a qualitative approach, with the library research method. The research results show that high political costs are the beginning of a transactional political and corruption phenomenon occurs. High political costs result in figures/candidates using various illegal methods to find sources of financing to fulfill political costs. High political costs and a process based on the logic of the power of financial, tends to open space for the birth of figures/candidates who are far from the values ??of integrity and quality through their ideas/performance. As an important momentum towards a future era of democracy that is more substantive, quality and dignified, several solutions that can be offered, namely: (1) Political parties and the government encourage the optimization of legal sources of political party funding assistance, both in cash and for future considerations through non-cash (in-kind) options, by providing strengthening aspects of accountability and transparency; (2) the government and election organizers strengthen the enforcement of regulations, supervision and strict sanctions, in political party funding; (3) political parties encourage the presence of figures/candidates who have integrity and quality values ??through their ideas/performance; (4) the government and election organizers can consider implementing digital democracy through e-voting in future elections in Indonesia.</p> Bismar Harris Satriawan, Vivi Friskila Angela Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Analysis of Political Party Accountability and Financial Assistance in the Context of Indonesian Democracy <p>In the contemporary era characterized by globalization and swift democratic progress, Indonesia encounters distinctive challenges of rising political expenses. This article utilizes qualitative research methodologies to examine the consequences of increasing political costs on the dynamics of Indonesian democracy, specifically concerning accountability and financial support for political parties. The main findings suggest that the financial assistance to political parties in Indonesia has not adequately tackled the forthcoming challenges that Indonesian democracy may encounter. In contrast, political parties persist in facing challenges in accountability mechanisms for the funds they acquire. The provision of financial aid may be perceived as a feasible approach to mitigate the financial burdens associated with political campaigns. However, in the absence of adequate mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability, there is a possibility of corruption and concerns regarding the scope of funding. This article further emphasizes the significance of political education as a fundamental obligation of political parties to uphold democratic efficacy. This study places particular emphasis on the ramifications of providing financial assistance to political parties for the future trajectory of Indonesian democracy. To ensure the continued progress of democracy in Indonesia and realize the “Golden Indonesia 2045” vision, stakeholders must possess a comprehensive comprehension of the matter and effectively tackle the obstacles that arise from the significant political expenses involved.</p> Muhammad Yamin, Slamet Rosyadi, Agus Ganjar Runtiko, Denok Kurniasih, Shadu Satwika Wijaya, Arif Darmawan, Darmanto Sahat Satyawan, Wahyuningrat, Alizar Isna, Adhi Iman Sulaiman, Wiwik Novianti Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0100