Kinship Politics in the 2020 Pilkada in Central Java: The Actors Involved and Their Influences

Kinship politics in the 2020 Pilkada in Central Java occurred in 11 out of 21 regions that held Pilkada. This number indicates that more than half of the regions in Central Java are exposed to kinship politics in the 2020 Pilkada. This condition would not have happened without the actors involved. The role of actors in constructing kinship politics is something that is difficult to deny. Therefore, this research is important to find actors involved in kinship politics in the 2020 Pilkada in Central Java. The fundamental question that is important to ask is who is involved in kinship politics in the 2020 Pilkada in Central Java? How do these actors influence the 2020 Pilkada contest in Central Java? The purpose of this research is to find the formulation of the problem. This article shows three actors who play a role in constructing kinship politics in Central Java, namely (1) the main actor; (2) relative actor; and (3) other actors. The influence of these three actors can be classified into large, medium, and small influences. This article shows that these three actors have varied and inconsistent effects. This article concludes that kinship politics is not a guarantee for a candidate to win local political contestation.
actor, kinship politics, Pilkada, Central Java
Author Biography
Ayon Diniyanto
Ayon Diniyanto, S.H., M.H. is a lecturer at the Department of Constitutional Law of IAIN Pekalongan. Ayon, his nickname, has received a Bachelor's degree (S1) at the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University, graduated in 2017 and a Masters in Law, Semarang State University, graduated in 2019. Ayon is currently teaching and writing articles in various related journals. with issues of law, democracy and politics. Ayon can be reached at
Dani Muhtada
Dani Muhtada, M.P.A., Ph.D. Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University. His doctorate was obtained from the Department of Political Science, Northern Illinois University, USA through a Fullbright Scholarship. The Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree was pursued at the Flinders Institute of Public Policy and Management, graduated in 2007. Dani Muhtada is at the campus where he teaches subjects in State Science, Law and Politics, Political Law, and Regional Autonomy. Dani Muhtada can be reached at
Aji Sofanudin
Dr. Aji Sofanudin, M.Si. is an Associate Expert Researcher at the Semarang Religious Research and Development Center. Aji Sofanudin completed his doctoral education at the Semarang State University Educational Management Study Program. Masters education is taken at the University of Isalam Indonesia, Islamic Research Study Program. Aji Sofanudin can be contacted at
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