Public Perception: Kinship Politics in the 2020 Solo Regional Head Election

This paper aims to study the development the dynasty
politics phenomenon in Solo, especially from the public perspective
after the 2020 regional head election. Gibran, the son of the President
of the Republic of Indonesia ran as a candidate for mayor of Solo.
Gibran involvement during the regional head election raised pros and
cons in Indonesia. The practice of kinship politics in Indonesia is
increasingly worrying. The reason is that most of the regulations tend
to preserve the oligarchy. The flourishing of kinship politics, especially
in the regions, cannot be separated from the role of political parties
and regulations on regional head election. The study used quantitative
approach with questionnaires and literature review. The results were
processed using SmartPLS 3.0 software with four independent
variable: network strength, position in the party, unequal democracy,
and capital. The study showed that only two independent variables
influenced the occurrence of kinship politics: network strength and
capital. This led to talks about the community on political issues,
President Jokowi, and changed his leadership image, from previously
seen as a president that does not involve families in political matters.
dynastic politics, public perception, local election, political party
Author Biography
Helen Dian Fridayani
Helen Dian Fridayani is a PhD student at Graduate Institute of Political Economy, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Science, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Her research interests in government affairs especially majoring in local government and public policy.
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