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Analysis of Economic Growth in Several Districts in West Kalimantan


This study aimed to determine whether government, corporate, and village budgets influence the economic growth of West Kalimantan. The study was conducted in Bengkayang, Sambas, Landak, Mempawah, Kubu Raya, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Ketapang, North Kayong, Melawi, and Kapuas Hulu Districts. This study utilized the economic growth rate from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, government investment in the form of regional capital expenditures, village funding from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, and private investment in each district from the Investment Coordinating Board. This study employed panel data with multiple linear regression analysis to investigate the issue. The outcome demonstrated that private investment promotes economic expansion and growth; however, government investment and village finances have no effect and do no harm to the economic growth.


government investment, private investment, village fund budget, economic growth



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